Steinbeis Centre for New Energy
Key Areas and Services Offered
Focuses on key New Energy Technologies of Green Hydrogen and Concentrated Solar Power for Process Heat, with active participation of Knowledge experts from Steinbeis Germany
A strong team of Consultants with rich Industrial and Academic experience
Conducting Capacity building workshops: Conducted 2 days training seminar on Technologyand Economics of Green Hydrogen in Delhi in Sept 2022, online sessions with Government Nodal agencies, 5 day technical training program on Green Hydrogen Manufacturing with leading Corporates, Online open access 2 hours webinar on National Hydrogen Policy, etc.
Established Indo-German Centre for Hydrogen Energy Research (IGCHER) at Hindustan Institute of Technology & Science, Chennai to impart training
Developing a Centre of Engineering in India with leading German Companies.


Prof. Dr. Bertram Lohmueller Director, SGIT, Germany

Dr. A Sivathanu Pillai
Dr. Indrajit Shown

Prof. Dr. Michael Schlick
Advisor, Steinbeis India

Mr. Dhruba Mukhoti

Vineet Kumar Goyal
Ph: +91- 93920 12052