Knowledge Entrepreneurship
Independent Consultant, University Professors, Research Scientists and / or any Technical Experts could establish a Steinbeis Enterprise and become a Knowledge Entrepreneur. There is no need for them to establish their own commercial companies and handle the complicated statutory and financial issues!!! Steinbeis shall handle all of them.
Steinbeis Enterprises could be established as –
Steinbeis Transfer Centres
Business oriented Technology and Innovation Centres providing services to the industry.
Steinbeis Transfer Institutes
transfer oriented research as well as competence based training and employee development under Steinbeis Academy with Steinbeis Akdemie Berlin
Steinbeis Research & Innovation Centres
Market and transfer oriented, developmental research and innovation and transfer network research as well as projects under not-for-profit approach
Steinbeis Partners
Franchise Partners in foreign companies, Steinbeis Companies (under Steinbeis Network)
Steinbeis Consulting Centres
Business consulting, evaluation and training.
Each Steinbeis Centre works as a fully independent private “Enterprise” within the umbrella of Steinbeis India–whereby Steinbeis takes care of all the legal, accounting, taxation and general marketing activities (against a Network Fees). The Centre Head–one of the Consultants / Professors / Scientists / Experts / Full –Time Professional, who is interested to work as an entrepreneur, is fully free to work and interact with the industry, thus creating lot of mutual value with the industry. The Centre has its own office infrastructure and space and networks with other experts as required for the Centre’s projects. It also networks with the host Institution and other Institutions for allowing the use of laboratories and seminar rooms for the activities of the Centre, on commercial basis.
Requirements for establishing a Technology Centre by a professional Educational Institution / Industry Associations
The Entrepreneur / Institute has to sign an agreement with Steinbeis India to establish Steinbeis Centre.
The Centre should have a fully furnished office-space and meets its own operational expenditure.
The Consultant / Expert / Professional with at least 2 years’ experience in marketing, and interest in technology development and innovation shall be the Centre Director.
Advantages of establishing Steinbeis Centre
International Brand Advantage of Steinbeis India
PR (Organiszation of Central Events, Central Media, Media, and Marketing Support, Steinbeis Homepage and social media etc.)
"Company within Company". Steinbeis takes care of all financial activities
Other (Legal support, general terms and conditions of business, support of start-ups and business shares, international contacts etc.)
Steinbeis takes care of HR activities (contracts, payrolls etc.)
In the case of employees of University / Research Institutions-
1. Mutual usage of resources
2. Synergy Effect (e.g. application oriented teaching, industry contacts etc.